Top Tips for Attracting the Opposite Sex You Must Know

In order to attract members of the opposite sex, you don't need to be excessively rich or extraordinarily attractive. You only need to identify your good qualities and bring them out for people to see.
Putting on a great smile always can attract a lot of people to you. Smiling sends a signal to others that you are friendly and approachable. Appearing pensive and serious will not attract members of the opposite sex, as some people believe, but will send a wrong signal and turn them off. Consequently, you should put on a smile when walking as well as when you are conversing with people and you should make it as natural as possible.
Moreover, you should not hang out with too many friends when you are relaxing at a bar or nightclub. Even though you may feel safe in this type of company, members of the opposite sex may be frightened by the number of people you are hanging out with. You should make it a point of duty to invite a friend or two to join you when next you are going out. Some people are scared to approach someone who is attached to so many friends.
You can also use the body language to pass on non-verbal clues about you in order to attract members of the opposite sex. It is important to note that when you walk into a room with your head down and shoulders hunched, you are passing on the message that you are not comfortable with yourself or your surroundings. Your body posture should be paid attention to because it says a lot about you. Your shoulders should be kept down while your chin should be leveled so that it is parallel to the floor. You should walk slowly and a little sway should be added to your hips. Do not keep your eyes to the floor, but rather, scan the room for faces that are friendly and it is also important to keep your chest square and high.
In addition, you should ask interesting questions and avoid questions that will send a wrong signal. When the relationship progresses, you can go ahead to ask personal questions. You should also be careful in sending SMS messages when you are just starting a relationship. If you are going to send any message, make sure you limit it to a friendship level. Sending romantic messages is not ideal when you are just starting a relationship and it should be reserved for the period that the relationship has really developed.

Need Help Writing a Song ?

If you have said to another, "help me write a song," you are not alone. I too have sought assistance to help me write a song. Songwriters of all levels collaborate with others. Such is the power of music and working together. Some of the best songwriters in history were about to scratch some of their best songs before another artist came in and saw clearly how to, often easily, fix the lyrics, melody, and song.
Motivation and Inspiration are Your Best Friends
It might appear fascinating when we see lyricists coming up with such memorable lyrics. Doesn't it make you wonder how they ever managed to come up with such and expansive assortment of words? Doesn't it also make you wonder, "How can this help me write a song?" If you are also thinking of how this would help to create a good song, you need to know as to what culminates into such beauty of words. All musicians nurture a part of their personality that is private, where they go to when they think of lyrics. It can be someone or something they love or admire deeply. In many cases, they would use words to express the emotions they have for a particular subject.
An Instrumental Theme to Compliment the Lyrics
Good instrumental back-up music would help to enhance the beauty of your lyrics. When one is thinking about, "what would help me write a song," they should not downplay the importance of good complementary instrumental beats. It would be the perfect blend of music and lyrics that would contribute to determining the success of your songs. This is important to the success of a lyricist.
What Else Matters when Coming up With Good Lyrics?
There needs to be an emotional connection between the lyricist and the subject that they have chosen to write upon. It is not of much importance as to what would the song would be finally depicted as. As a lyricist, you can establish a bond by perceiving the subject as what matters most to you. This and the above statements made would be helpful to lyricists, when they consider, "What would help me write a song?"
These points will help lyricists and musicians to find answers to their quest to "help me write a song." Oftentimes, your song and lyrics just needs a new perspective that is best provided by a new set of eyes and ears. As musicians, we tend to get too close to our work and consequently overlook what may be clear to another artist.
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Selling Your Music Online For Maximum Profits

In 1990, the music industry had not undergone many changes from its heyday in the 1960s, when corporate giants like Capitol and RCA called all the shots and the artist was little more than a roach to be crushed under their boot heels (and capitalized upon, naturally). By 1995, however, some obvious shifts were underway in places like Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York. Listeners weren't just seeking out new kinds of music from new sources, they were openly rebelling and boycotting mainstream music in favor of little-known and even totally unknown label releases.
The giants paid attention, but still balked, convinced that the shift could never overthrow the monolithic power structures they had constructed. They were wrong.
Among the many points of control under the thumbs of the corporate music gods was the method of music distribution. Traditional music distribution was handled through a complex series of pipelines that included a great number of industry friends and partners, and an even greater deal of postage. Distribution was slow, expensive, and literally heavy. Most record stores were the size of warehouses, even after the advent of compact discs.
The killing blow to the corporate stranglehold on music was the widespread use of the new Internet, and the new era of digital music distribution that came with it. For most professional musicians today, it has likely seemed like a recent addition to the scene, and many artists are still learning what digital music distribution is.
What is Digital Music Distribution?
Digital music distribution is the simple process by which one hires a team of music delivery people to circulate your music among the best stores online. Some companies for instance charge an extremely reasonable fee for this service and places your product in over 750 stores worldwide, some of them even in European languages.
There are few methods better than digital music distribution for selling your music online. The direct approach, going to companies personally to ask for inclusion on their digital shelves, is not feasible, though many struggling artists try (hence, the struggling). As is the case with many industries, the artist does far better to make contact with liaisons within the industry in question - in this case, companies dealing in digital music distribution.
To sell your music online, first choose a company who can supply you with the digital music distribution necessary to make your product available. There are several such companies in the world, each of them having their strengths and weaknesses. When searching for a company to help distribute music it is often a good idea to find one that can distribute to over 700 online retailers, which is commonly thought to be the widest distribution available. Not every company can do this so the closer to this number the better.
To sell your music online you'll need digital music distribution from a distributor with excellent customer service, too. Whichever company you decide upon, ensure that you'll be able to get in touch with customer support providers both by mail and by phone, preferably on the same day. This can sometimes be a difficult element to find. Most companies are entirely automated. Do not select a distributor whose customer support phone number goes directly to an automated system. This will not help you if you need UPC codes in a pinch - which brings up another important issue: be sure your distributor can provide you with UPC and ISRC codes. You don't want to pay for the service only to discover you need to pay again in order to get a sales code for your product.
All things considered, to sell your music online all you truly need is some decent, inexpensive digital music distribution, and that's only a website away.
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How To Improve Your Voice In 15 Minutes a Day

If you are finding time to practice a major hurdle then I have, as your singing coach; 5 simple ways to improve your voice in only 15 minutes a day.
Practice problems are one of the major reasons people stop singing over and above finances. In fact, when we are seeing improvements, setting goals and achieving them we'll walk over hot coals to keep going!
But what if you don't know how to practice? Or it has become stale and boring? You'll never know if you are getting it and that's when the love affair grows cold...
These 5 simple tips put into action will see you racing onto greater vocal heights in less time than you think.
1) Set the time, place and date:
You can do this 2 ways either carve out a set 15 min time slot daily, at roughly the same time and in the same place if you can (the car doesn't count - you're worth more than that!) or chunk it to a 30 min 3 x a week again on set days, time and place. At the end of the week you will have practiced for a whopping 1hr 3/4!!
2) Write a weekly plan:
Take 5 mins of your 1st practice day to write a plan for the week. What areas do you want to focus on? Day 1 - keeping the vowel shape, Day 2 - Starting your first notes better etc. Resist trying to get it all right in one go -The cure for perfectionism is little and often, knowing that repetition is key to improvement. This will improve your awareness of what you are feeling instead of getting caught up in negative self talk.
3) Pick 1 or 2 exercises only:
Use 1 or 2 exercises and do each one 5-10 times, each time aiming to look to make 1 improvement. Multitasking is a myth! Use a mirror too. Get into a deeper relationship with your own sound if you want better control of it.
4) Learn songs in sections:
Use your weekly plan to chunk down your learning. Verse 1 -day1; Verse 2 - day 2, Chorus - day 3; end ad-libs - day; Days 4-6 repeat; Day 7 - Sing it through. Be disciplined! By doing it little and often just focusing on 1 section and forgetting lyrics will be a thing of the past!
5) JFDI!
Just friggin' do it! - Improve your voice, your practice and your confidence - that is!
Do it NOW!
Imagine how you are going to feel after your first week.
These are simple steps you can take TODAY to get INSTANT RESULTS! So follow through and make it happen! I look forward to hearing your comments below!
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4 Things You Need To Know For Effective Weight Loss

Exploring 4 Things To Realize For Effective Weight Loss

One of the major desires a great number of people have is that they would be able to lose weight - finally shedding those pesky pounds and putting themselves in a position to look the way they have long desired to look, and to feel the way they have long desired to feel; at the same time, however, there are hundreds and hundreds of weight loss plans out there, all being tried by thousands of people - and many of these people fail to ever achieve the results they would ultimately like to achieve! Of course, plenty of people take this fact and assume that they are simply part of a mass contingent of people who are not equipped to lose weight, but the truth is, every single person has the ability to lose weight - as long as they start paying attention to some of the basic principles of weight loss!
Not eating less: One of the big missteps people end up making when trying to lose weight is assuming that the best way to do this is to eat less; when you simply "eat less," however, you will actually be causing your body to store the food longer, but when you eat more often (eating less at each meal - that is, eating until you are satisfied, rather than eating until you are "full"), you will encourage your body to burn the food for energy, and to not store any for later!
Not exercising more: Exercising is certainly a vital part of being healthy and shedding those extra pounds, but there is such a thing as too much exercise; when you exercise too much, you will cause your body to crave the sorts of foods it should not be having, which can set you back more than the exercising helped! Make an effort to "keep yourself active active" more than you are making an effort to "exercise," and things will go a whole lot better for you.
Rest is important: It is also important that you give your body a proper amount of rest - which means both taking time to relax and unwind at the end of each day and getting a healthy 8 or 9 hours of sleep each night; when you give your body the full amount of sleep it needs, your body will be able to regenerate, and this will put you in a much better position to reach your goals when it comes to what you would like to see when you step on the scale.
Live better: And finally, it is important to understand that one of the biggest things that can cause you to gain weight is stress, and the side-effects that come with it; make sure you are monitoring your stress levels, and are allowing yourself to enjoy life, as this will help you to enjoy the benefits that will come as a result!

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Top 10 Herbs To Get Rid Of Acne

Top 10 Herbs To Get Rid Of Anxiety Naturally
While you definitely cannot compare herbs to powerful pharmaceuticals such as Xanax or Prozac for anxiety, the good thing is that you do not have to deal with the side effects and expense related to these prescription medications. Many herbs have been used effectively since the beginning of time for many ailments including anxiety and panic attacks. Of the many, here is a collection of the top 10 herbs to get rid of anxiety that you should definitely look into to get a handle on your anxious thoughts naturally.
Herbs to Get Rid of Anxiety
1. Valerian for Anxiety
The rhizomes and roots of this herb are the parts used for natural treatment methods. This herb has been used for thousands of years as a sleep aid and is more widely used in Europe than in the United States where it is the active ingredient in many sleep aids.
Some studies have also shown that it may be effective for the treatment of epilepsy, high blood pressure, etc.
Valerian root for anxiety is a popular natural remedy because of its gentle sedative properties as well as being able to stabilize the mood. It has also been found to be even more effective in relieving anxiety and agitation when combined with Saint John's wort or Kava, the latter which is discussed next.
2. Kava
Kava is just as popular as valerian in treating anxiety naturally. Kava is from the same family as black pepper and the rhizomes (part of the stem that grows underground) and roots are the parts of this herb that are used.
Kava contains kavalactones which are active compounds that have mildly tranquilizing effects that are similar to a low dose of Valium. Kava however is not addictive and rarely leads to sedation when used according to instructions.
While this herb can be effective to get rid of anxiety attacks, there is a rare chance of developing life threatening liver disease which makes it important to use the appropriate recommended dosage of this herb.
3. Hops
This is from the same family as hemp as well as marijuana and the parts used are the strobiles which are the glandular hairs from the female fruits. This has been used for hundreds of years in the brewing of beer.
Hops are also used to treat infections, digestive problems as well as its sedative properties being used to treat insomnia.
Its mild sedative properties is the reason this herb is usually recommended to reduce anxiety naturally. To get the most of these mild sedative properties, it is best to use this herb after it has been dried and aged.
4. Passionflower
The leaves and flowers are the parts of passionflower that are used.
Passionflower is commonly used to relieve digestive problems, to relieve pain, to prevent wounds from becoming infected as well as treat various women's health issues.
Passionflower is also recommended to get rid of anxiety naturally because of its sedative and tranquilizer properties making it great for also dealing with insomnia and stress.
5. Gotu Kola
This herb is from the same family as dill, fennel, parsley, carrot, angelica and celery. The leaves are the parts used for healing. This is a very popular herb with Indian Ayurvedic herbalists.
Besides natural treatment for anxiety, gotu kola is used for the treatment of stretch marks, varicose veins, high blood pressure, psoriasis, diabetes, etc.
Research studies have shown that gotu kola is able to reduce physiological anxiety making it one of the popular herbs used to get rid of anxiety.
6. Chamomile
This herb is from the same family as dandelion, daisy and marigold and the flowers are the parts used for natural treatment of various ailments.
Chamomile is a very popular herb for the treatment of digestive problems, infections, depression, various women's health issues, arthritis, for enhanced immunity, ulcers, stress, etc.
Chamomile when used to reduce anxiety naturally is tied to its mild sedative properties which help to relieve anxiety and panic attacks.
7. Skullcap
This is from the same family as mints and the parts used are the leaves.
This herb is very popular in Europe and is used as the main ingredient in many sleep aids due to its sedative properties. These same properties are the reason this herb is usually suggested for the natural relief of anxiety as well as stress.
8. Ginkgo Biloba
The leaves of this herb are the parts used. This is a very popular herb in traditional Chinese medicine and has been used for thousands of years to treat various diseases and conditions.
This herb contains powerful antioxidants which help to eliminate healthy cell damaging free radicals.
Ginkgo biloba is commonly recommended for the natural treatment of Alzheimer's disease, memory loss, heart disease, stroke, erectile dysfunction, tinnitus, vertigo, for improved mental capabilities, for the treatment of retinopathy that results from diabetes, macular degeneration, etc.
The properties in ginkgo also help to relive anxiety which is supported by several studies which makes this a great herb to use to get rid of anxiety naturally.
9. Lavender
This is another popular herb that is commonly used because of its calming and relaxing properties making it a popular ingredient in aromatherapy. Lavender is from the same family as mints and the parts used for healing are the flowers.
Lavender is commonly used to treat wounds because of its microbial properties, to treat insomnia, for menstrual cramps, to relieve digestive problems as an insect repellant, etc.
Exposure to the scent of lavender whether from the flowers or the essential oils obtained from the flowers is a great way to relieve anxiety and make you calmer. This is also a great herb for stress relief.
10. Yarrow
Yarrow is from the same family as dandelion, daisy and marigold and the parts used are the stems, leaves and flowers.
Herbalists commonly recommend yarrow for the treatment of digestive issues, for wounds, as well as various women's health issues.
The use of the herb to get rid of anxiety and panic attacks has been traced to a compound it contains which has mild hypnotic properties which enables this herb to be used as a mild sedative for anxiety and stress. These properties also make it beneficial for insomnia.
The above 10 herbs are just some of the many that have been used for thousands of years to help get rid of anxiety and bring about calm.
When using herbs, it is important to remember that most of them though effective, work slower than various prescriptions such as Prozac and Valium, but they come without side effects and addictive properties.
These herbs can be used by brewing a tea (infusion) with the dried herbs, using liquid extracts (decoction or tincture) or by using capsules. The latter is especially recommended for certain herbs such as valerian that have a foul smell and taste.
Caution with Herbal Use
Even though most herbs are generally safe and side effect free, it is important to remember that they are medicines so it is important to do your research before use and follow directions on dosage to ensure safety. It is also important to get the herbs from a reputable seller to ensure that you are getting organically grown herbs which are best.
Also, if you are pregnant or nursing, do talk to your doctor first before using any herbs. In general, it is not recommended to give children under the age of two any herbs. Older children and the elderly may use herbs but in reduced doses only.
If you are taking medications especially prescription medications to get rid of anxiety or for any other reason, using herbs is not recommended as they may interact badly with each other.
When you start using herbs, be sure to monitor your symptoms. If they get worse or last longer than 2 to 3 weeks, talk to a health practitioner promptly.
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A Cure : Bee Venom Destroys HIV !

A new research suggests that Bee Venom could be the next leading cure against HIV , Nanoparticles containing bee venom toxin melittin can destroy the Virus while leaving the surrounding cells unharmed at the same time . The research was done by a group of scientists from Washington University School Of Medicine  who believe that their findings could be a major step towards finding a cure for the disease .
The researchers explained : " When HIV comes across a nanoparticle it goes in between the bumpers and comes into direct contact with its surface, which is is coated with the bee toxin, which destroys it " .  Most of today's medications for HIV work by attacking the virus's ability to reproduce, but this new research could lead to a cure which stops the virus from making an affection in the process, as in the medications that exist today .
Two types of therapies are possible :
   - A vaginal gel to prevent the spread of HIV infection .
   - Therapy for existing HIV infections, particularly drug resistant ones .
The gel therapy has the potential to target sperm, making it a contraceptive medication .
This study was done in cells in laboratory environment .  The nanoparticles are easy to produce enough of them could be easily supplied for future human studies . 
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